Business Administration Education Guide

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Wikipedia Moves To San Francisco

St. Petersburg, Florida is losing to the west coast. Having just returned from the west coast of Florid I can't really blame them. As I drove to different cities on the west coast I often found it difficult to locate wifi services. There are not any major technology corporations that can help Wikipedia move forward.

San Francisco has remained one of the biggies for the high-tech economy which was the reason Florence Devouard, chair of the Wikimedia Foundation listed as the primary reason behind the relocation.

"San Francisco is the center of high-tech in the United States and will give the foundation access to a rich array of resources," said Florence Devouard.

While Wikimedia Foundation's goal is to provide free online information, their press release stated that the valuable resources include “best-in-breed online talent.” The statement hints at the notion they are seeking to increase their staff from six full-time employees by searching Bay area 'top-tier universities'.


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